The Neo-Assyrian Settlements based on the Theory of Socio-‎Natural ‎System with an Emphasis on Geographical Variables - Journal of Research on Archaeometry
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year 9, Issue 2 (2023)                   JRA 2023, 9(2): 97-123 | Back to browse issues page

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Iravani ghadim F, Amirnejad A. (2023). The Neo-Assyrian Settlements based on the Theory of Socio-‎Natural ‎System with an Emphasis on Geographical Variables. JRA. 9(2), 97-123. doi:10.52547/jra.9.2.393
1- Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran & Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2- Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran ,
Abstract:   (1925 Views)
The employment of the Socio-Natural System and recognition of the main subsystems have received less attention in the analysis of the Neo-Assyrian settlements. The main focus of this study is the impact of geographical variables as the primary subsystem within the framework of the Socio-Natural System on the distribution of Neo-Assyrian settlements. In this regard, the social system, in the context of economic factors, including agricultural and migratory systems, and natural factors, such as resource availability and geographical variables, is investigated from two main sources: archaeological studies conducted from the 2000s onwards and derived written documents. Through the combination and analysis of these findings in a Geographic Information System (GIS) workshop, answers are provided to these questions: What is the main pattern of settlements and distribution of archaeological sites in the catchment basin of the Little / Lower and Great / Upper Zab rivers? How has the Socio-Natural System played a role in the distribution of settlements? The results indicate that the primary pattern of settlements, considering available natural resources, is likely to be linear, and the distribution of sites may be a combination of linear and scattered. Agricultural and migratory policies, considering geographical factors, can directly influence the increase and density of Neo-Assyrian settlements in the catchment basin of the Little / Lower and Great/ Upper Zab rivers.
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Technical Note: Original Research | Subject: Archaeometry
Received: 2024/01/3 | Accepted: 2024/02/5 | Published: 2024/04/14 | ePublished: 2024/04/14

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