Studying the archeology of West part of Kermanshah and Iraqi Kurdistan based on remote sensing data with the application of remote sensing in archeology - Journal of Research on Archaeometry
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year 9, Issue 2 (2023)                   JRA 2023, 9(2): 83-96 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 2971126

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Gholami S, Mehrafarin R, Mosavi Haji S R, SafarRad T. (2023). Studying the archeology of West part of Kermanshah and Iraqi Kurdistan based on remote sensing data with the application of remote sensing in archeology. JRA. 9(2), 83-96. doi:10.52547/jra.9.2.379
1- Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art & Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran ,
2- Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art & Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
3- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Abstract:   (1081 Views)
 By studying the topic of remote sensing, we are confronting to a  science that gives us comprehensive and complete information about the range or a phenomenon without physical contact with it. It also deals with quantifying the behavior of materials in interaction with electromagnetic energy. Actually , the science of remote sensing includes observing the earth from top to bottom (Earth observation systems. Along with other sciences, remote sensing helps other sciences, including archeology, as a helpful tool and as a strong knowledge with an interdisciplinary perspective.This method in archeology can quickly and accurately discover ancient artifacts deep in the earth and on the surface of the earth. Monitoring of ancient sites, by focusing on ancient sites and using satellites such as Spot, Corona, Landsat and Quickbird, is possible by analyzing satellite images and processing them.  Analyzing data from satellites is very useful and practical in order to investigate terrestrial phenomena such as vegetation, surface soils, rocks, water, cities, human phenomena, etc. In the western region of Kermanshah and Iraqi Kurdistan, many ancient remains related to agricultural facilities, including water supply systems, have been left since the Sassanid era, which can be identified with the Corona satellite in the past landscape of the region.  This article is trying to study the western region of Kermanshah and Iraqi Kurdistan by looking at the use of radar and thermal sensors for the archaeological knowledge of the environment and vegetation . and study the condition of soil, water and  pastures (land use) in relation to the remaining  facilities related to agriculture of the region. The study method of this article was library.
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Technical Note: Original Research | Subject: Archaeometry
Received: 2023/10/9 | Accepted: 2023/12/28 | Published: 2024/04/14 | ePublished: 2024/04/14

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