Showing 7 results for Heydari
Yasin Sedghi, Akbar Abedi, Mehdi Razani, Mohammad Heydari,
year 3, Issue 2 (Semi-Annual 2017)
Notwithstanding the existence of such famous sites as Shar-i Sokhta from the Bronze Age, southeastern Iran represents a lacuna in Iranian archaeology. Chance discovery of the prehistoric, third millennium BC, site of Keshik in Nikshahr, Sistan and Baluchistan Province provides an opportunity to study new archaeological finds from this quarter of Iran. The main part of Keshik was a Bronze Age cemetery, which yielded important metal and ceramic objects, not to mention burial remains. The excavated assemblages included a distinct ceramic jar which warranted more detailed systematic observations by virtue of the symbolic motifs ornamenting its exterior surface. The jar has received the designation the Life Cycle because of these figurative designs arranged in six alternative panels which depict round the upper body of the vessel in a symbolic form the life cycle of a goat. The related panels show: 1) the figure of a goat native to Sistan, 2) the mating of goats, 3‒5) the mother goat feeding her baby goat, which gradually grows up from the 3rd to 5th panel, and 6) the baby goat together with its mother. The major archaeological question with regard to this idiosyncratic vessel was its chemical-mineralogical characterization. Hence, a chip specimen was sampled to address such issues as its geological source, manufacturing techniques, firing and kiln conditions, local or foreign provenience, and the nature of pigments involved in the paint. To determine the crystalline constituents, different mineralo-chemical investigations were undertaken. The major phase compositions of the vessel’s body as well as the pigments were determined using quantitative X-ray diffraction (QXRD), and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX). Also, the the thin-section of the pottery was analyzed by optical microscopy techniques so as to petrographic identification of the minerals. The result of phase identification showed that the sample generally contains quartz, plagioclase, diopside, berlinite calcite, hematite, and enstatite as main crystalline phase constituents. Moreover, mineralo-chemical investigations demonstrated a regional alluvial soil origin related with the Keshik River, suggesting an indigenous provenience for the vessel. Further, the paste lacked any mineral variety. Firing in an oxidizing and reducing atmosphere was also evident given the carbon peaks and the poorly fired gray core of the thin-section. Analyses of the paint used in the decorative designs revealed the presence in the pigment of iron and manganese. The two elements were typically used because of their long-term sustainability and mineral base, and in combination with each other, they created a brown to black tone. In short, the study suggested that the so-called Life Circle jar was locally produced using the local clay on the potter’s wheel, was fired at a temperature of 900-1000 oC in a closed oven under oxidizing and reducing conditions, and was decorated with a paint containing iron and manganese pigments.
Elham Fotuhi Dilanchi, Hojjat Darabi, Saman Heydari Guran,
year 6, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2020)
One of the long-lasting discussions concerning early Neolithic sites in the Iranian plateau deals with the issue of seasonal or permanent settlements that is directly related to level of human mobility during this period. It is noteworthy that this time period coincided with earliest signs of sedentary life style and domestication of some species of animal and plants. What kinds of activities were usually focused by the early Neolithic societies? In addition to the normal archaeological finds, understanding the site formation processes -as a new approach- and the kinds of on-site human activities are also increasingly of importance. Most importantly, micromorphological analysis is playing an increasing role in this case. Therefore, to better understand the nature of deposition and sorts of various activities that might have been done in the past, the Late PPN site of Tapeh Mahtaj was examined. The site is located on a natural hillock composed of fine and fertile sediments of the Behbahan plain, south-western Iran, close to the foothill of the Zagros Mountains. The site was briefly excavated in 2015 and as a result, stratigraphic observations attested to the presence of three major occupational phases. However, further information left with analysis of a micromorphological sample that was taken from the north trench-section of the site, where it provided a maximum amount of its deposits. The results of site formations analyses by thin section studies at Tapeh Mahtaj identified several occupational phases as a sequence of human activities. This study revealed living floors that are shown by plastering, infillings, numerous charcoal and bone fragments, face pigments, organic materials and exciting mineral elements such as phosphate. All these findings present the nature of human activities in the Mahtaj site during the time spanning from late 8th to early 7th Millennium BC. It should be noted that this chronological time frame of the site has also recently been suggested by radio-carbon dating, where this time period is archaeologically consisted with the emergence of the initial ceramics across the Near East. This highlights the key role of such micromorphological analyses to track those activities associated with early pottery making. At a site-level, however, one of the most interesting results of the micromorphological analysis is the discovery of a dung pellet in the lowest stage of the site occupation. This shows that the site occupants might have dealt with animal husbandry, presumably goat herding. It is also believed that the site was probably used as seasonal campsite for mobile pastoralists during the late 8th millennium BC. Additionally, the observation through thin sections such as bioturbations, temperature fluctuations effects (clay cracks), and twist flow in deposits by freeze/thaw, diffused iron oxide nodules indicate a short-term seasonal use of the site during the cool, wet periods. Overall, the site formation study at Mahtaj matches with the archaeological evidence such as the low density of archaeological finds and the low volume as well as nature of the deposits remained. These all point to the presence and mechanism of the early occupants of the Behbehan Plain who had intensive interactions with the nearby highland Zagros Mountains.
Vahid Pourzarghan, Hamidreza Bakhshandefard, Mohammad Heydari,
year 6, Issue 2 (Semi-Annual 2020)
Undoubtedly, one of the most important man-made objects in history is copper objects and their alloys, and in this regard, according to the available evidence, its oldest alloy, as copper-arsenic, has an important role in history. the existence of these works in various sites, especially in southeastern Iran since the early bronze age, confirms this claim. One of the most significant strategic site is located in the southeastern of Iran, is the spidej area. It is one of the most important and settlement centers belonging to the second and third millennia BC, which is located 40 km southwest of Bazman. And is located 3 km from Maxsan village. The distance from this area to Iranshahr is about 160 km. significant artifacts were obtained from spidej cemetery as follows: including stamps, ornaments (beads, pins, kohl holder pin, mirrors), agricultural tools, types of weapons etc. This led to the registration of the spidej site at number 6745 in the list of national monuments. In this study, a number of metal objects in spidej cemetery were identified to identify copper-arsenic compounds and the properties of this alloy. To study these objects, the SEM-EDS method was used to identify the microstructure of the metal matrix and the chemical composition of the elements, as well as the metallographic method to study the fabrication technique and phases studies. Instrument analysis of SEM-EDS shows that some objects are made of Cu-As-Zn alloy and some of Cu-As alloy are made by casting in mold and considered as arsenic-containing bronze alloys. Arsenic acts as an excellent oxidant element in metal, reducing the porosity of the alloy and significantly increasing its hardness. Deliberate addition of low levels of arsenic can act as a dioxin in the samples. Also, the presence of sulfide in the impurities of these objects can be due to the use of sulfide ores. The amount of calcium and potassium in the EDS spot analysis of the inclusions indicates that this amount of elements is owing to coal fuel. These elements are considered as flux charge melt and eventually absorb the slag. The SEM images suggest that the impurities in the whole matrix of the metal in a point and elongated from can be the reason for the presence of unrefined copper with spiess in the process of making these works. This discarded waste contains sulfide, arsenide and iron-like compounds. Also, the uniform and high percentage of arsenic 5 in these works shows that the manufacturing process of these alloys has been done by method Co-smelting. Metallographic studies show that physical operation on these works are a repetition of a cycle cold working and annealing work to further ductility these works.
Majid Heydari Delgarm, Mahdi Barqzadegan,
year 7, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2021)
Marvelous geometry of geometric arabesque (girih), and their traits has been praised for centuries. These traits are still of researchers’ interest, across the world, and much is to be known about their geometric properties. This paper aims to introduce a feature of a family of Iranian girih works previously unknown to the literature of the field. This research is seeking to answer a main question. That is “With what mathematical or geometric pattern does subdividing girih goes on?” Data needed for the research is gathered from library sources.
Results show that in repeatedly subdividing them, by maintaining the polygons size, their frame grows in a sequence with Fibonacci properties. This has been proved geometrically in the paper and has been shown in rectangular frames. Some real world samples, that put together, show the same properties has been presented. This feature could in the future be used to design and analyze girihs. These applications are discussed in latter sections of the paper.
Nemat Hariri, Reza Rezalo, Saman Heydari-Guran,
year 7, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2021)
Up to now, two areas of northern and west-central Zagros Mountains (ZM) have produced better information concerning the development of techno-typology of lithic artefacts during the Epipaleolithic period (EP) compare to the other part of this region. Although several caves and rockshelters associated with EP deposits are found in this region (Map 1), but they were not subject to study for the relationship between climate effect on cultural developments like the neighbored area of Levant. this deficiency can be attributed to a) the low number of excavated sites, b) poor stratigraphic control, and c) the lack of a sufficient number of absolute dates. Recent absolute date achievements from the EP site of Palegawra cave [17]. locates on the northern ZM alongside Paleoclimatic reconstruction in Hashilan wetland [8] based on the palynological studies have improved our understanding from Epipaleolthic cultural and environmental events for the region.
Mohsen Heydari Dastenaei, Mohsen Dana,
year 8, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2022)
Under the influence of space-making factors and forces, human settlements have always been changing and evolving by influence of various internal and external processes. In the meanwhile, human settlements, as a part of geographical systems, which themselves are composed of related components, affected by their spatial location, have been interacted with or related to the environment. Among them, the role of environmental-natural factors is very prominent in the spatial organization of human settlements; Because the formation, continuation or abandonment of settlements is based on the use of water and soil resources and sometimes their durability and stability is in the presence or absence of natural resources. Environmental and natural contexts provide the necessary conditions for the establishment of human settlements, but some of them have more stable conditions than other factors. These parameters are slope, altitude, water resources, soil and land potential. The present study is a descriptive-analytical one that investigates the settlement patterns and distribution of Iron Age sites in the Middle Atrak basin. In order to achieve the research objectives, 6 natural factors including the site area, altitude, slope, of the site distances from water sources, communication routes, type of vegetation and soil have been selected as effective factors in establishing settlements and have been analyzed using statistical methods in GIS and SPSS software. Investigation of Pearson correlation coefficient on the area of sites with altitude factor is 0/480 and the type of soil where the sites are located is 0/490. These two figures are strong and positive and indicate a high relationship between the site area and these two factors. Relationship between the site areas with the distance from permanent water sources, communication paths and slop, the Pearson correlation coefficient is 0/830, 0/880 and 0/810 respectively. This figure shows the relationship of high, strong and inverse level of significance between area and water resources, land slope and communication path. Pearson correlation coefficient shows that the relationship between the area of the sites and vegetation is 0/389. This figure shows the average relationship. It seems that natural settings have had a great impact on the location, expansion and physical development of Iron Age settlements and the sites of this period have been formed in two parts of sedimentary plain and mountainous region. So that the Iron Age people have chosen a different patterns of living and settlement to adapt to the environment of the Atrak river basin. A very large group of sites is ones that have good access to pastures on the edge of the plain, are located on high slopes and have a small area, indicating that seasonal sites with dryland farming and livestock subsistence economy. The second group is three sites located on low slopes, at the bottom of the plain with rich sedimentary soils, next to communication routes and water sources, and their area is much larger than the first group and show that permanent villages with livestock and agriculture are. Finally, the third group is a site that is the largest area in the region and its location in a strategic area and on the communication route, which controls two plains and the possibility of a central area such as the city, is not far from the mind.
Zahra Nemati, Kamal Addin Niknami, Mohsen Heydari Dastenaei, Ebrahim Roustaei Farsi,
year 9, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2023)
Ancient sites represent the cultural landscape resulting from the interaction between humans and the environment. They are influenced by a set of geographical, natural and socio-cultural factors. The interpretation and disclosure of environmental information of settlement distribution can provide conditions for a better understanding of the interaction between human and the environment in this era. In this interaction, environmental factors are in a way the geographical and natural substrates play an effective role in the distribution of ancient sites. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the geographical foundations of the Sassanian sites in the highland of Arsanjan. Based on this, six geographical factors were considered as environmental factors or independent variables and the area of ancient sites as dependent variables. To investigate these factors, Arc Gis and SPSS software and quantitative analysis methods of inferential statistics with the Pearson correlation method were used. The results of these analysis determined that Sassanid period sites with a number of natural factors such as moderate to weak dependencies and a number of environmental factors also show a high dependency. This number expresses the relatively high and positive correlation between some geographical and environmental factors and the Sassanid era sites of Arsanjān plain. In the analysis and evaluation of the settlement patterns of Sassanid sites using cluster analysis, four patterns were obtained.