آمار نشریه - پژوهه باستان سنجی
Journal statistics (in total)
Number of volumes 10
Number of issues 2
Published articles 179
Acceptance rate 55.7
Rejection rate 44.3
Average time to review (days) 126
Average time to publish (days) 64
Iranian authors 474
Non-Iranian authors 9
Non-Iranian percent 0.02
Article statistics (in total)
Submitted manuscripts 357
Views 618736
Downloads 257731
Average view per article 3457
Average download per article 1440
Sections (in total)
Original Research 269
Review 29
Technical note 8
Book Review 6
Comment 0
Letter to the editor 1
Conference report 0
View point, Perspective, Opinion 4
Short Communication 1
Case study 2
Report 4